Kano Jigoro , the founder of Judo, says.....

Kano Jigoro, the founder of Judo, stated.... "...In my youth I studied jujutsu under many eminent masters. Their vast knowledge, the fruit of years of diligent research and rich experience, was of great value to me. At that time, each man presented his art as a collection of techniques. None perceived the guiding principle of jujutsu. When I encountered differences in the teaching of techniques, I often found myself at a loss to know which was correct. This led me to look for and underlying principle in jujutsu, one that applied when one hit an opponent as well as when one threw him. After a thorough study of the subject, I discerned an all - pervasive principle; to make the most efficient use of mental and physical energy. With this principle in mind, I again reviewed all the methods of attack and defence I had learned, retaining only those that were in accordance with the principle. Those not in accord with it I rejected, and in their place I substituted techniques in which prin...