Training Advice by Funakoshi Gichin

INDIVIDUAL TRAINING It is a unique feature of karate that it can be practiced alone and at any time and in any place. Insofar as possible, one should wear light, informal clothing similar to that worn in normal daily activity. An area of about nine by twelve feet is appropriate, which can be reduced after some training to nine by six feet. Until one has learned the order of the kata, he should concentrate on this rather than on applying much strength. After understanding the basic structure of the kata, one should then gradually apply more strength. Finally, once he has completely learned the order and acquired a feeling for the kata, he should then begin study of the next kata. GROUP TRAINING Although individual training in karate can be of great interest, there is also pleasure in group training. As in other forms of exercise, there is a characteristic good atmosphere associated with training under the direction of a leader of a group at a school, club, or other self-development orga...