Itto Ryu

 Itto Ryu ~ Japanese for ‘One Sword School' by Neil Horton


The Itto Ryu is a Japanese martial art that is based on the numerous applications of the sword. It was viewed as highly effective school and considered one of the best arts of the sword forms, or ‘kenjutsu' around at the time. The founder and development of this school is principally down to Ittosai Kagehisa, which legend states he never lost a duel, even when there was multiple attackers, and was one of the greatest swordsmen ever to live. The teachings were adopted by the Tokugawa Shogunate, which led to other important families, known as ‘daimyo', adopting the same instruction methods. The Itto Ryu became increasingly prominent and popular amongst important fiefdoms. With the blessing of the Shogunate came much praise and popularity.

Exponents were taught the correct way to attack and defend with the sword using several key features, for example, balance, co-ordination and timing. Knowing where and how to make sword strikes to achieve the maximum or desired result is significant to all schools pertaining to the sword. Practise was key to the success of the student and increasing their ability to execute in the correct manner. The system has splintered and created several schools that pertain to belonging to the original Itto Ryu teachings. The Itto Ryu is an important school when we look to investigate the martial art skills that were created during the Japanese feudal years and how a discipline was purposefully created to cater for this. The Itto Ryu was created in the sixteenth century. 


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